
Liane Barker - pictured here in her Brisbane studio

Maurie Barker - pictured here signwriting
his kombi work van in 1964 with the original Barker Signs business card.
(inset into photo)

Liane and her Dad, Maurie Barker holding the genuine gold leaf sign Liane created for him for his 88th Birthday.
Liane Barker is a specialist in Traditional Custom Hand Painted Signs and Gold Leaf
with over 40 years in the trade.
In 1980, at the age of 20, Liane became one of only a few female sign writing apprentices; winning the highest honour of Top Apprentice for Queensland in 1982.
Working in her Father’s business, Barker Signs, as an apprentice and later as partner, then owner; Liane learnt the foundational skills of Signwriting as well as a business acumen that has offered her a lifelong career in Signage and Design.
At 24 she started her own traditional Signwriting and Design business in Armidale NSW, producing hand painted signage on roadside hoardings, large walls, vehicle signage, glass gilding and business shop fronts.
During the mid 80’s she worked as Production Manager for a large
Signwriting and Manufacturing company in Brisbane. This was a vast and diverse role that incorporated managing staff as well as quoting and liaising with many well-known Brisbane corporate clients.
The introduction of computer-generated signage in the mid 80's saw a rapid shift in the sign industry. It was during this transition and her role as production manager that Liane made vital industry connections, as well as gaining advanced sign manufacturing and computer training, giving her the necessary skills to move forward in what was perceived back then as a predominately male industry.
Liane’s success over the course of 40 years has been through keeping up with the latest technological advances in the trade as well as retaining her traditional skills and craft providing signage and graphic design solutions to various corporate and private clients.
She achieved international acclaim by being selected to take part in the ‘Pre-Vinylette Society International Female Signpainters Exhibition’ held in Chicago USA in 2017.
Being the only Australian female signwriter was a huge honour, sparking further her desire to keep the craft of signwriting alive and to pass on her knowledge and experience to others, particularly women interested in the signwriting trade.
In August 2018 Liane flew to London UK to take part in the ‘Grand Exhibition of the Pre-Vinylite Society: An 18th Century Revival’. This exhibition coincided with the Better Letters International Letterheads meeting in London. Again, Liane was the only Australian Signwriter to be invited and was thrilled to be a part of such an exciting and diverse showcase of talented, traditional signwriters from around the globe. She was even more delighted when her exhibition piece sold within hours of the exhibition opening. It takes pride of place in a restaurant just outside of London.
Liane was offered the opportunity to work alongside the extremely talented and famous USA signwriter, Mike Meyer assisting him with his 4 day 'Better Letters' signwriting workshop in Amsterdam as well as visiting/working with fellow signpainters around the globe: exchanging ideas and techniques before returning to Australia.
In June 2019 Liane was invited to be an instructor at 'Bushmasters’ Getaway 5-day Signwriting, Pinstriping and Airbrushing Retreat' in Colorado USA, where she worked alongside 14 other amazing, talented instructors in Signwriting, Pinstriping and Airbrush. Liane returned to the UK and Europe in October 2019 to run workshops in Copenhagen and London as well as work alongside some of the best Gold Leaf Specialists in the UK.
The beginning of COVID lockdowns in 2020 provided the opportunity to bring her already successful ‘Intro to Sign Lettering' workshops into the online realm using the Zoom portal. This enabled Liane to teach students from around the globe; as well as continue her custom signwriting and gold leaf work in her hometown of Brisbane, Queensland.
Liane was nominated for the 2021 'Women in Signpainting Award', offered by the well respected and long-term publication: Signs of the Times Magazine USA.
2024 sees Barker Signs celebrates 60 years and to commemorate Liane brings the addition of her new "Mastering the Art of Signwriting" online course with the first unit "Mastering the Art of Brushstrokes" available now, as well as the continuation of ‘online, one on one tutoring sessions’ for those looking to hone their skills in a particular area.
For further information on workshops or private
one-on-one tutoring, please click HERE
Liane specialises in Traditional Custom Hand Painted Signs, Gold Leaf Window Signage, Shop Fronts, Vehicle & Boat Signs, Honour Board Updates, Murals and private commissions for Weddings and Special Occasions.
For further information or to enquire about a custom sign, please contact Liane via the Contact Form
Liane Barker
Barker Signs
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia